How to Test For Sewer Gas

how to test for sewer gas

Sewer gas is a toxic mixture of gases that includes methane, sulfides, and ammonia that come from decomposing organic materials in your home’s drain lines. In high quantities, it can cause severe health problems like nausea and difficulty breathing, and in extreme cases, it could even lead to a house fire.URL :

The most common symptom of a sewer leak is the unmistakable smell of rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide is the primary component of this foul odor, which is also associated with natural gas leaks (although that skunky odor actually contains an additive called mercaptan to warn people of a potential danger).

If you notice a sewer gas odor in your home, get yourself outside for some fresh air and seek medical attention immediately if you experience trouble breathing or dizziness. It is also important to call a plumbing professional right away so they can diagnose and repair the issue.

Sewer Gas Testing 101: Understanding the Basics

Before calling a plumber, it is a good idea to do some simple checks yourself. First, make sure all of your plumbing traps are filled with water. It is very common for drain traps to dry out from overuse, but this can be easily fixed by pouring a pitcher of water down the drain to fill it back up. You can also inspect your vent stacks to make sure they are not blocked or disconnected.

If you can’t find the source of the smell, or it continues to linger after making these precautions, then you will probably need to call in a plumbing expert to perform a smoke test. This is a special equipment that consists of a pipe with inert smoke-induced into the pipes and vent system through a drain or sewer cleanout. The smoke will indicate where there are gaps in the system or breaks that are allowing sewer gas into your home.

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